Bringing back a sense of Unity and Hope during this time of Sadness and Celebration
A call to action from our Founder and President
Dear Responsible Leaders,
This April feels different – we celebrate Easter, Eid ul-Fitr, Passover, Navratri, Vesak, Baisakhi, Buddha Jayanti, Mahavir Jayanti, all sacred festivals to celebrate life and bring people together.
Alas, it feels like something is missing. Where is the spirit of embracing unity and hope? Can we be our Sisters Keeper, our Brothers Keeper? For that is what scripture calls us to do. Remember, the measure of our character is determined not by how many times we have fallen, but by how many times we, like the phoenix, get back up and rise from the ashes.
As we celebrate, let's also reflect on the profound journey we share. The story of Passover, marking liberation and renewal, mirrors the lessons taught across scripture, especially during challenging times. The powerful cry of "Let my People Go" echoes with increased resonance as we honor the transition from bondage to freedom.
Today, humanity faces monumental challenges, with climate change at the forefront. As global warming threatens catastrophic consequences, such as potentially submerging one-third of the world—a world where water already covers 71% of the Earth's surface—we see an alarming rise in the frequency and severity of natural disasters. Society appears more divided, and basic human decency often seems neglected. What can be done? Responsible Leadership must step forward with decisiveness!
The wisdom of Proverbs tells us, "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." In these difficult times, choosing love over hate is not just a moral choice but a powerful one. Love fosters understanding, heals wounds, and cultivates harmony. By embracing love and kindness, we are equipped to resolve conflicts and enhance our communities.
Let us be reminded and inspired.
The Easter festival reminds leaders to resurrect, to be brave and caring, to shun hate, and to spread love. Let's embrace the spirit of Easter by bringing people together and making the world brighter.
The Quran reminds us to "hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided." We give gratitude to Allah (SWT) for his mercy and blessings for easy and meritorious fasting during Ramadan.
Let us unite, transcending divisions, to overcome adversity and build a world of harmony and justice for us all.
The Guru Granth Sahib calls upon us to "Recognize the whole human race as one." Striving for unity means standing together, transcending differences, and embracing solidarity. It's about recognizing our shared humanity and working together for the well-being of us all.
The Ramayan teaches us to "Speak the truth, control anger, and always give." Let these virtues guide us through challenges,illuminating our path with honesty and kindness.
From Buddhist scriptures, we learn that "Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule." Let us honor the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Lord Buddha by embodying his teachings of mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom. May we strive to alleviate suffering and promote happiness wherever we go.
On Mahavir Jayanti, let us reflect on the teachings of Lord Mahavir, who preached non-violence and compassion towards all living beings. He taught us the simple and profound principle of “Live and Let Live”. May his teachings inspire us to cultivate peace and harmony in our lives.
In the face of adversity, we must be guided by leaders of moral fortitude and courage, who tirelessly work for peace and justice. Let us remain steadfast in our faith in the goodness of humanity, and in our commitment to building a world where all can flourish without fear or discrimination.
May the essence of these festivals inspire us to cultivate resilience, empathy, and unity in our communities, guiding us towards a brighter future for all. We believe in the goodness of humanity and know that for us to thrive, we must find ways to overcome that which divides us. Differences are inevitable. Surely, we can resolve them with civility. And where we cannot, we can agree to disagree with no malice in our hearts.
At The Centre for Responsible Leadership, we are deeply committed to fostering these ideals and call upon all those who share and cherish these values/ideals to join us, for Together We Can!
We extend our heartiest good wishes to you and your loved ones with a Call to Lead!
With warm regards,
Bawa Jain
“Each One of us is a Leader.
Can we create the right circumstances to realize each one's fullest Potential?
Leaders Create Leaders, not just Followers”!
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